
I have an iPhone 4s and I am beyond obsessed with this little piece of technology. I honestly don’t know what I would do without it. I am constantly relying on if for e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, news, weather, directions, music, and now I’m reading my books on it. I have had every type of cell from from the old school basic flip, to a blackberry, to a droid, and now I have finally hit the holy grail of cell phones, the iPhone. I’m a firm believer in “never say never” but I’m going to go out on a limb with this one and say I will never have any other phone.

Sadly, I probably check my phone for updates of all sorts about once every 10 minutes or so. It really depends on where I am and what I’m doing. When boredom strikes then I am probably on my phone more than that.

Pros and Cons:

Some of the biggest pros of on iPhone would be its speed, picture quality, apps, size, dependability (as far as calls, messages, and service areas), sound quality, and battery life. Now that I have this phone, I rarely use my actual laptop because I can do almost everything from my phone.

While I could go on and on about how amazing my cell phone is, there are just a couple things that irritate me. First of all, Siri sucks… we do not get along and she never does what I say. I honestly feel that she has a mind of her own and she’s just doing this stuff to annoy me. Second, the whole phone is made of glass which is not conducive to my clumsy nature. Other than those two minor things, my cell phone is amazing.

For the record, I am completely aware of how obsessed and *slightly* addicted I sound. Oh well!

24 thoughts on “iObsessed.

  1. I am so excited about finally getting an iPhone, hopefully soon (fingers crossed). I know that once I do, I will probably be just as obsessed as you are! But I am surprised about what you saif about Siri. I was actually really excited about using her like in the commercials. I figured it would make using an iPhone even easier than it was already. I’m slightly disapointed now to know that she seems like she acts like a child for you. But if those are your only complaints about an iPhone then I guess the iPhone must be pretty great!

    • It may just be me but she has seems to have a hard time understanding certain things and it can be really frustrating. It’s definitely not as easy as they show on the commercials but then again, nothing ever is. She’s great at understanding things like the weather, or finding music on your phone, and she can set your alarm and reminders on your phone with no trouble. The only time I have trouble with her is when I need her to search the web for things. I have often tried to use Siri to search numbers of businesses while I’m driving but trying to get her to understand me is probably more distracting than just searching myself. She’s not all that bad, though. All of the other qualities of the phone far outweigh her. I looove mine and I highly recommend one to everyone!

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  4. Have you seen the commercials/teasers for the new iPhone5? I can’t decide what’s fact or fiction. I know that laser keyboards are becoming popular now, but it’s sooo thin. Like, graham cracker thin. I’m pretty sure that a hologram display is science fiction, but the cg on the commercial looked pretty convincing. I’d search youtube for the commercials if I were you. Cool stuff coming up.

    • I’ve seen some of them but like you, I can’t decide what’s fact or fiction. The ones that I have seen seem like they are making a huge jump from the 4s to the 5 with the laser keyboard and all of that stuff. It’s usually a gradual process I feel like, like with the 4 to the 4s but who knows. Apple has some pretty creative people on their team so I wouldn’t be surprised if all of that is true. I would, however, be extremely upset because I just got my iPhone in December so it would naturally happen that an even bigger and better one would come out shortly after… that’s the way things work with me!

  5. I am really glad to hear you say that the 4s sucks because I really wanted it. I got the iphone 4 about a month before the 4s came out, so i felt really left out. The commercials make it look so awesome, and i really wanted it because you could tell the 4s what you wanted to say in a text message and it would create the message for you. I just thought that was great and it would make the road a safer place for all of us. So thanks for making me feel better about not having Siri.

    • I definitely wouldn’t say that the 4s sucks by any means.. Siri is just a little irritating. She is good for somethings like the weather, setting alarm clocks and calendar alerts and playing music or opening apps. She’s just not great at searching the internet or your contacts because she tends to get confused by the names. A friend of mine has the iPhone 4 and we have compared hers to my 4s and I would definitely have to say that the 4s is better. The main difference is Siri and the picture/video quality. Compared to her pictures, mine are noticeably clearer and that alone is worth the upgrade but I would have to say that is the main difference. So if your as obsessed with snapping pictures and videos on your phone as I am then upgrading to the 4s would be worth it, in my opinion.

  6. Pingback: cell phone technology (comments on classmate’s posts) « candiceblount

  7. I can definitely relate with the clumsy nature! I’m so glad that you brought that up. I really think the cell phone manufactures should rethink that whole idea! I dropped my Verizon Fascinate and shattered the screen. I tried to fix it and ended up with a new phone ha! I see people all the time with cracked screens- so you definitely brought up a good point there! Way to be thinking!

    Sorry to say… I haven’t jumped on the bandwagon for the iPhone yet. But hey, like you said… never say never!

  8. Pingback: Comments for blog topic 1- June 25 « natalie demarko

  9. Out of curiosity, why did you move from a droid to an iphone? I have a ipod touch, and I love it, but when it came to upgrading my phone I chose a droid because I heard there were a lot more free apps, and I like my phone style better because, like you, I am fairly clumsy when it comes to phones. As far as checking my phone I have a similar addiction! Whenever I am bored I fiddle with my phone, access social media, and sometimes do a little online shopping! Like you, my laptop has become almost obsolete thanks to my Smart Phone!

    • I moved from a droid to an iPhone because my droid was driving me insane! I had the Droid X and it would lock up and freeze all the time and the internet and everything else was just slower. Plus I thought that picture quality was pretty bad. When it came time for an upgrade, I decided to make the jump to and iPhone and I am so glad I did! I thought the same thing about the apps before I switched and that is definitely not true. I get the same free apps that I got with the droid and more! And there are just more apps in general for the iPhone, free and paid. I am so much happier with the iPhone and would never go back to a droid. So if you get the chance, I recommend switching! 🙂

  10. Pingback: Comments for June 25 « hhene89

  11. The first step in beating addiction is to try and get addicted to something else. Or so they say. It sounds like you have the makings of a PR machine and someone who would really enjoy a career in the social media world. You also may have convinced me to get an IPhone. Good Post!

  12. Pingback: June 25 Commented on….. « southerntau

  13. I have the iPhone 4s, and while I do absolutely love it and can’t imagine not having one, Siri and I don’t get along either. I really hope she works better for the iPhone 5. Too many times I ask her to do something, and either the phone just keeps making the dinging noises, or she rattles on about something unrelated. Other than that though, the phone is awesome! As far as being made of glass, I learned that lesson the hard way with my first iPhone. I had a case for a while but thought it was too bulky. One week out of the case, the screen was shattered. It was back to the shock absorber case for me!

  14. Pingback: Blogs I commented on- Week of June 25 « caseyeleanorj

  15. I also have an iPhone4s and I love my phone as well. I remember when I had the iPhone3g I said I would never get another iPhone because I did not like the fact that you HAD to update your phone every so often just in orde for it to work properly. Obviouly that didn’t last long. I went to Droid after I said I was done, but I’m back! The capabilities of the iPhone are pretty amazing. I love my phone just as much as you!

  16. Pingback: Blogs I commented on …. « Boldexpressionz

  17. I also have an IPhone 4S and I also have difficulties when it comes to dealing with Siri. I think I talk too fast for her to recognize the words or something. Instead i just in up typing what I want in. It is the best cellphone I have owned though. The technology and things it is capable of are amazing. Also I loved the case the guy at the store suggested to me. I have dropped my phone so many times and it should be shattered by now but it is still in proper condition. I absolutely love this phone and I don’t think I will be switching back anytime in the near future.

  18. I just got an IPhone and after reading this I can see this forehapping to me!! Ahhh I love all the features and quality! I jut left the crackberry world and feel like my life has already changed!! Siri isn’t so bad, but you have to talk to her like a robot! I love saying a text instead of typin sometimes!

  19. Siri and me…do NOT get along. I completely understand with what you mean. Sometimes things work out but for the most part it’s a love/ hate relationship.

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